Saturday 31 January 2015


And sometimes you feel like you can't go on anymore.
Sometimes you feel like this is the furthest you can go.
Then a small voice behind your mind says,
"Keep going."
And you're torn apart between stopping and believing.
Because what is worth it anyway?
No one can guarantee that where you're heading is where you want to be.
No one can guarantee that there will be no more obstacles.
And I'm not saying that you're a quiter,
But I'm not saying that you're a fighter anyway.
Either way,
Just keep going.
One foot in front the other.
Take a step forward.
And another step.
And another step.
Just keep going.
Until you reach your goal.
Don't look back.
You're not going that way.

Sunday 25 January 2015

UNRAVEL LYRICS: Ida Maria - I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked

Oh the clever
Things I should say to you
They got stuck somewhere
Stuck between me and you

She's clever, but things she should say to him got stuck somewhere between them. He's probably the hot band dude (idk why he should be a band dude but... well... band dudes are sexy), hot enough to make her speechless.

Oh I'm nervous
I don't know what to do
Light a cigarette
I only smoke when I'm with you

He's that guy! That kind of guy whose girl smokes because of him! You know, the "thug" kinda guy? No? Oh well. But she's nervous around him and she doesn't know what to do, so she lights a cigarette but only when she's with him. Y'know?

What the hell do I do this for?
You're just another guy
OK, you're kind of sexy
But you're not really special

She's questioning her actions for him, she've met probably TONS of similar guys like him but... well... he's kinda sexy but he's not really special or so she thought. Girl, we know that he's special!

But I won't mind
If you take me home
Come on, take me home

No, she won't mind anything he does nor what she does as long as he takes her home. Nothing matters.

I won't mind
If you take off all your clothes
Come on, take them off

Again, nothing matters as long as he takes off his clothes. Because he's hot. And sexy. And a band dude.

'Cause I like you so much better when you're naked
I like me so much better when you're naked

Because he looks sooooooooooo much better when he's naked than covered in clothes! Duh. And his nudity makes her likes herself more. You know? You know?

I like you so much better when you're naked
I like me so much better when you're naked

Sex. Period.

Conclusion: He's the sexy hottie band dude (why do i keep insisting he's a band dude smh) and she's the band geek who got toner (you know? toner? a musical boner? i saw it.) over him. This song is about sex.
Rating: 4.05 stars

About Unravel Lyrics: written interpretation of song lyrics by your humble host of blog Dilla Nanditya. Probably not the best place to find the real meaning of the song.

Saturday 24 January 2015

UNRAVEL LYRICS: Feist - My Moon My Man

My moon, my man
So changeable and
Such a lovable lamb to me

So she refers her man as her moon, probably a metaphor for a light in a dark, but he's also changeable thus makes him a lovable lamb to her. Someone who easily adapts? Or maybe he changes himself to be what she desires and obeys anything she said. A male submissive?

My care, my coat
Leave on a high note
There's nowhere to go but on

She takes her cares and her coat then she leaves? But then she says that there's nowhere to go but on.... on what? Don't leave me hanging.

Heart on my sleeve
Not where it should be
The song's out of key again

Her heart is on her sleeve. Not where it should be, which is clear because heart belongs on your chest. But maybe she's saying that her heart is on her sleeve which is a metaphor for arms and arms do the works so "heart on my sleeve = heart on my act"? Yep. The interpretation is out of key again.

My moon's white face
What they're gonna face?
It's the calendar page again

She's talking about period. Obviously.

Take it slow, take it easy on me
Shed some light
Shed some light on me, please

Now she's asking him to shed some light on her. Perhaps, her life is so dull or maybe she had committed crime before thus making her life's dark. If that's the case then it matches the line "my moon, my man"; her man giving her lights again. But she's asking him to take it slow. Something with her past, maybe?

My moon and me
Not as good as we've been
It's the dirtiest clean I know

If she's consistent and the moon still refers to her man then she's probably saying that they're on couple's rough times and they've seen better days together. Maybe they're on the edge of a breakup. The line "dirtiest clean" is a contradictory and it might be also refers to her and her moon; her being dark and gloomy and her moon being the light and lovable happy lamb. Maybe we can conclude that this couple is a peculiar couple with so many differences they lost count.

My care, my coat
Leave on a high note
There's nowhere to go
There's nowhere to go

Again, she's leaving on a high note with her care and her coat, yet there is nowhere to go. I'm guessing that she was alone and lost with dark past then he came and bringing love and light into her life. Now she's leaving again with nowhere to go. Yep. Breakup.

My moon
My moon, my man

This particular line feels like she's remembering her lover one last time. Her moon, her man.

Conclusion: This is a breakup novelly song starring a troubled heroine and cute hero. The love story didn't go well.
Rating: 3.25 stars.

About Unravel Lyrics: written interpretation of song lyrics by your humble host of blog Dilla Nanditya. Probably not the best place to find real meaning of the song.


Quick announcement!
  1. The giveaway may or may not still be happen but if it may it certainly won't happen within the next few months. Fourth semester is KA-RAY-ZEE.
  2. I haven't write here in a while as you guys probably already notice and I'm sorry for that but like I said, this semester has been crazy so far and I'm afraid it's going to get busier since the twelfth graders are preparing for final school exam and national exam which makes the tenth and eleventh graders are sent home to "study at home" my teacher said but "holiday" every honest and realistic human being said. So the teachers are pretty much on the race of let's-finish-this-subject-ASAP-so-that-you-won't-be-left-behind-on-your-exams-but-let's-just-pretend-that-you-understand.
  3. I've been hanging out on for past week. In this site I kinda expanded my horizon of music industry. Finally a place I can listen to new music without the popular song crap (I mean, All About That Bass was cool but it was just a one shot song). Thanks to Grooveshark now I know a lot more musicians in a week than I could for the past eight years. Don't judge me, I didn't know where to look!
  4. I'm still a duck.

Thursday 22 January 2015


Because I love you.
I love you and
I love him and
I love him and
I love her and
I love him and
I love them so
I love you.
I love all of you.
I loved you.

Sunday 11 January 2015

oh what a beautiful afternoon

I went upstairs for the first time in years and I watched as the sun set.

It was not amazing, it was nowhere near spiritual experience, but as I watched the sky colour changed and my mind wander I was like

"whoa look at that cloud it looks like a mermaid swimming away"

"wait that cloud looks like a lion chasing that mermaid"

"and that cloud between them looks like something that fights the lion"

"maybe that cloud looks like a horse"

"no wait the head's wrong that's not a horse"

"more like a bison"

"but the body isn't big enough to be a bison"

"it's a horse body"

"what about the mouth? the mouth looks like horse's"

"yeah with bison's nostrils"

"idk man what the hell is that"

"maybe it's a horse with the head a mixture of bison and horse"

"why am i getting turned on by that"

"fuck i'm not a zoophile"

"oh look the mermaid's getting away"

"no the mermaid stays it's the lion that's left behind"

"oh so the horse-bison shit did its job well"

"wait look"

"holy fuck"

"the lion turns into a mermaid!"

"oh my god jesus did not die for this"

"what the hell?"

"sorry felt the urge to say that"

"smh oh nO WAIT LOOK"





"AAAAAND yep washed away"

"ew look is that horse-bison unites with the mermaid"

"oh no what an ugly creature"

"we better get out of here shit is going down"


"did you just"

Friday 2 January 2015

2 Januari 2015, 21:41

1 Januari 2015, 06:22

Semalam, seperti yang terjadi tahun lalu (dan tahun sebelumnya, dan tahun sebelumnya lagi) dunia seolah meledak-ledak oleh kembang api.

Oke. Bukan dunia. But still.

Orang-orang merayakan tahun baru karena bagi mereka itu menyimbolkan awal yang baru. Saatnya menutup buku lama dan mengisi satu lagi yang masih kosong. Saatnya meninggalkan masa lalu dan menyongsong masa depan, semoga yang lebih baik.

Tapi harapan tinggal harapan.

Pada tanggal 3 Januari (atau pada saat orang-orang sudah masuk kerja dan sekolah) apa yang orang-orang cita-citakan di tahun baru telah terlupakan. Tidak lagi mereka bertekad untuk rutin berolahraga, meninggalkan hal-hal yang buruk, menjadi orang yang lebih aktif, lebih berani, dan rela melakukan apapun demi mencapai mimpinya.

Segera setelah hype tahun baru reda, kita akan kembali terbentur dengan banyak hal: sekolah, kantor, kewajiban, dan yang paling utama; ketakutan.

It's okay to be afraid, it's not okay when you give in and use it as an excuse. Jangan biarkan rasa takut menghentikanmu dari melakukan apa yang kau inginkan; menjadi apa yang kau inginkan. Berusaha untuk tidak takut sama saja seperti berusaha untuk tidak bernapas; sama saja seperti berusaha untuk tidak hidup dan tidak menjadi manusia. Rasa takut itu alami. Rasa takut adalah sebuah pengingat bahwa jantungmu masih berdenyut memompa darah ke seluruh tubuhmu. Rasa takut mengingatkanmu atas batasan-batasanmu dan bagaimana cara mendobraknya. Hadapi rasa takutmu.

Perayaan tahun baru memberimu kepercayaan diri sesaat bahwa kamu mampu mengejar mimpimu. Tapi setelah perayaan itu selesai, lalu apa? Apakah kau masih yakin? Apakah kau masih percaya? Banyak orang percaya, "new year, new me". Tapi apakah kau berubah sekadar melarikan diri dari masa lalumu? Kalau kau sungguh-sungguh ingin berubah, kau akan berdamai dengan masa lalumu. Kau akan membuka diri pada kesalahan yang pernah kau lakukan dan begitu pula kebaikan. Kau akan memaafkan orang-orang yang telah menyakitimu, secara sadar ataupun tidak, bahkan meski mereka tidak pernah mengucap maaf. Kau akan menyadari bahwa orang lain bukanlah kamu, dan cara tiap individu memandang dan bereaksi pada hal berbeda-beda. Kau akan menerima itu. Kau akan menyadari bahwa rasa takut bukanlah batas dan pikiranmu bukanlah musuh melainkan sekutu yang harus kau jadikan teman terbaikmu, begitu pula hatimu. Kalau kau benar-benar ingin berubah, kau akan bercermin (tidak secara harfiah - meski boleh juga sih) dan melihat semua kelebihan dan kekuranganmu, lalu menerima keduanya sebagai bagian dari siapa dirimu. Kalau kau telah melakukannya, kau akan berusaha mengenal dirimu lebih jauh. Saat itu kau akan menyadari apa yang baik untukmu dan apa yang tidak. Kau akan berani mengambil keputusan untuk dirimu sendiri.

Menjadi "new me" adalah perjalanan yang panjang dan melelahkan. Banyak rintangan yang menghadang dan banyak keraguan yang datang. Pada satu titik mungkin kau akan harus menghadapi ketakutan terbesarmu. Menjadi "new me" tidak semudah menuliskannya karena itu melibatkan masa lalu dan masa kini dengan hasil yang akan berefek pada masa depan.

Tahun baru bukan apa-apa kecuali satu lagi alasan yang orang buat untuk berfoya-foya, melarikan diri dari kenyataan sejenak bersama orang-orang tercinta. Sebuah seremoni dengan efek yang tidak bertahan lebih dari beberapa jam. Semua hal yang kau cita-citakan tidak akan menjadi nyata dalam sekejap pada perayaan tahun baru. Kau harus merealisasikannya sepanjang tahun, bahkan mungkin hingga tahun depan. Tapi kalau kau sungguh menginginkannya, kau akan mengejarnya. Kau tidak akan membiarkan apapun menghalangimu. Kau akan menemukan jalan. Tapi kalau kau tidak sungguh menginginkannya, kau akan menemukan alasan mengapa kau tidak bisa mengejar mimpimu.

Perubahan memerlukan waktu. Keberanian untuk menghadapi rasa takut, tekad baja untuk menghadapi masa lalu, dan kenekatan untuk meraih mimpi. It doesn't happen overnight. New year is nothing but another ceremony to burn your money.

Dan itulah mengapa aku tidak menganggap malam tahun baru any different than malam-malam lainnya. Yah, selain petasan dan terompetnya. Setiap hari adalah awal yang baru, bukan cuma tahun baru. You want to make changes? Mulai dari sekarang. Gak perlu nunggu bulan baru atau tahun baru. Ketika manusia akhirnya menyadari bahwa segala hal yang mereka cita-citakan di perayaan tahun baru dapat pula mereka impikan dan kejar di hari-hari biasa, hype perayaan tahun baru mungkin nggak akan sebesar ini.

Intinya, itu adalah mengapa bagiku tahun baru nggak spesial-spesial amat. Cuma angka yang berganti. Setiap hari pun terjadi.