Monday, 23 February 2015

UNRAVEL LYRICS: Revara - Selamanya

 Lari, lari aku berlari
Melaju 'ku tanpa henti
'Ku tak ingin semuanya 'kan pergi

 Oke, jadi dia berlari karena tidak menginginkan sesuatu untuk pergi. Let's just assume... keluarga atau teman. Ia mengejar mereka sebelum mereka pergi. Okay.

Menari 'ku terus menari
Lepas semua beban di hati

Orang bilang menari dapat membantu melepas stres. Oke. Jadi ia berlari mengejar sesuatu/seseorang dan itu membuatnya merasa tertekan. Oleh karena itu ia menari untuk melepas beban di hati.

Aku ingin bersamamu

Oh, okay, jadi yang ia kejar adalah seseorang. Dan ia ingin bersamanya selamanya, dan oleh karena itu ia berlari untuk keep up with them.
Tak akan pernah kulupakan
Semua rasa di hati ini
Tentang kita

Whoa wait what? Jadi sekarang mereka pisah? I thought you were running after them!
Tak akan pernah kubiarkan
Dirimu terjatuh dan tenggelam

Pretty self-explanatory. Ia tidak akan membiarkan siapapun yang ia sayangi itu 'terjatuh dan tenggelam' which could means terpuruk, tersandung sesuatu yang buruk, melakukan hal yang tak benar, or just simply tripped and drown (hey, it happens :v). Sejauh ini kita bisa menyimpulkan si orang yang berlari ini ingin bersama dengan seseorang yang sangat ia sayangi dengan memories with whom tidak akan pernah ingin ia lupakan dan ia akan selalu berusaha untuk menjaganya. Oke.
Berlari dan terus 'ku lari
Menuju ruang yang tak pasti
Mencoba temui arti hidup ini

Aku mulai berpikir s/he doesn't run as in 'run' tapi lebih condong pada move on dalam hidup....... OH WELL. Jadi ia berusaha bergerak dan mencari arti dari hidup ini. What does this mean? The line 'menuju ruang yang tak pasti' mengindikasikan bahwa arti dari hidup ini, yang sedang ia cari, sangat tidak pasti  and unknown, mungkin bahkan mengerikan. But s/he run towards it anyway.

Menari terus 'ku temani
Setiap langkah yang tak pasti
Lalui mimpi-mimpiku

Ia akan menemani orang yang ia sayangi selagi orang yang ia sayangi berusaha melepas beban stres dan melalui jalan-jalan yang tak pasti, mungkin menuju ruang tempat ia berusaha menemukan arti hidup ini. The line 'lalui mimpi-mimpiku' bisa jadi berarti impian, harapan, sesuatu yang dicita-citakan. OH. Ia ingin menyongsong masa depan bersama!

Menari 'ku temani
Setiap langkah yang kau tempuh

That line can either be sweet as hell or creepy as fuck. But oh well. Pretty much line ini cuma kesimpulan dari apa yang sudah kutuliskan sebelumnya: ia ingin bersama dengan orang yang ia sayangi, dalam suka maupun duka, melalui saat-saat sulit maupun mudah. S/he wants to stand by their side.

Conclusion: Lagu ini bisa jadi lagu friendship ataupun love relationship. Entah aku yang memang payah menganalisa bahasa sendiri atau gimana, but the lyrics in this song is pretty self-explanatory. Still, though, aku penasaran apakah mereka hold a much deeper meaning. Either way, satu dari sedikit sekali lagu Indonesia yang menurutku bagus.
Rating: 3.15/5

About Unravel Lyrics: Written interpretation of song lyrics by your humble unicorn-duck princess and also host of this blog you're reading, Dilla Nanditya. Prolly not the right place to find the actual meaning to the song tho.
melaju ku tanpa henti ku tak ingin semuanya kan pergi

Original Lyric From
Lari lari aku berlari melaju ku tanpa henti ku tak ingin semuanya kan pergi

Original Lyric From
Lari lari aku berlari melaju ku tanpa henti ku tak ingin semuanya kan pergi

Original Lyric From

Saturday, 21 February 2015


#1 Shatter Me
Juliette is so fragile and so strong at the same time and she's afraid of shattering/being shattered.

#2 Unravel Me
Adam and Juliette have things complicated and Warner's right in the middle of them, looking deeply into Juliette's eyes and began unraveling his true self (not his clothes, unfortunately).

#3 Ignite Me
Juliette's finally ready to fight and Warner's standing there by her side, ready to ignite (to war mode, that is).

#4 Wicked Lovely
Aislinn (how to read her name: Ash-ling) is a summer faery's king's soon to be queen and the king's willing to do anything, even the wicked ones, to charm her into his lovely court.

#5 Ink Exchange
Leslie's getting a tattoo and a weak Dark Court's king dropped a bit of his blood into her ink so that she's bound to him. What a fortune she doesn't get HIV.

#6 Fragile Eternity
Seth's no longer a mortal but in exchange he took a bit of immortality out of the Never Changing Queen, turning her into some woman with son issues.

#7 Radiant Shadows
Ani and Devlin's stories aren't as exciting as other four books thus I can't really explain this book title since I've kinda forgotten what is it about.

#8 Darkest Mercy
The war is upon each faery court and some death are going to happen. Just like what happens to every fiction's last book in a series. Oh, and also, some lives are going to be restored thanks to the mercy of the darkest kind of faery - death faery.

#9 Daddy Long-Legs
An orphan was given a scholarship from some mysterious man with the deal she'll have to write about her progress once in a month. Ended up buried him with tons of letters written almost everyday like a crazy maniac orphan.

#10 Dear Enemy
The orphan's college friend from the previous book was set up so that she's in charge for the orphan's former orphanage.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Book Boyfriend(s)

It is February 15 but the Valentine's Day vibe's still too thick to ignore sooo in the sake of Lover's Day (which is basically how I call VDay) I will give you a list of MY BOOK BOYFRIENDS! Beware of fangirling and shit.

#1 Aaron Warner Anderson from the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi
Chief Commander and Regent of Sector 45, Son of the Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment, and he's the kind of a guy that looks so cold and jerkish but deep down inside he will love you with all he has. And of course he loves me that way. He worships me on my feet and he will do anything for me. I love him so much but he keeps insisting that he loves me more than I do and everyday, he proves his words. The thing I love about Warner Aaron is that he's not intimidated or scared of my growth. If anything, he's proud. He doesn't want to strain me from my full potential and although sometimes he's a bit pushy he just wanted to show me what I can actually do. Unlike Adam Anderson. Aaron is not afraid of me being stronger than him, because he never sees me as a fragile creature that needs his protection. Although he had history with that mentally unstable bitch called Juliette he's totally into me now so his history with her is forgiven.

#2 Roarke (just Roarke) from the In Death series by J.D. Robb
The thing with Roarke is that we're always on the run. We're not running from his business rivals or cops - though it's pretty close. We're running from his crazy ex-wife named Eve Dallas who just can't get over the fact that Roarke prefer me than her. And since she's afraid of going through space so Roarke and I currently stay in one of his mega project in another planet. Roarke really stabs me in my heart - in a good way. He might have been the number one if only he didn't surrender to that crazy lieutenant and leave me here! But, oh well, I'm tired of running anyway so

#2 Will Sumner from Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren
The thing about my second book boyfriend is that he is extremely dangerous. Everything he says sounds filthy and no ten seconds goes by without you imagining him naked. Well shove your dirty thoughts for yourselves, ladies, because this man is mine. Of course, Will had the reputation of being a playboy but he's now loyal to me and me only. While there are a lot of thirsty whores trying to get his attention they can wave goodbye since his eyes fixated on me. Will knows everything about making me happy; he knows everything that I like and dislike. And he's kinda like a professor on biology subjects so sometimes we'll play school and he will teach me a thing or two about human anatomy. Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning we run together and Will always encourages me when things get rough. I love him so much, but he doesn't have that in-charge aura that Aaron and Roarke has so I guess that's why he's not the Alpha of my Book Boyfriends Clan. Still, he's on top of the list.

#3 Roger Sullivan from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
Roger and I have our adventure together; we drive across America with his chosen tracks on his playlists and he had a really good time together. But the thing is, WHO IS THAT BITCH YOU'RE HOLDING HANDS WITH, ROGER? You're such a man-whore! Oh, I'm so disappointed in you. You could've been number three but the lack of loyalty you show makes you down to number five.

#5 Roger Sullivan from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

#3 Irial from Ink Exchange and Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr
He is the former King of Dark Court but he then gave it to Niall and he steps aside being a free fey with unspoken loyalty given to the Dark King until one time where he was dying and he took the Chaos' place. One thing that I love about Irial isn't about how sexy and hot he is (although he is, very and extremely is) but how, without even proclaiming it, he can stay true and loyal to one side he's chosen. Irial is so seductive and he always sweeps me off my feet. He used to be with Leslie but the second he laid his eyes on me he left that bitch (but don't worry she's got Niall).

#4 Seth from Wicked Lovely, Fragile Eternity, and Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr
He was a mortal, but now he's immortal. Also, Seth is someone you thought as walking face piercing ad, but he also has something more than that. He's also a good listener, always greeting me with a warm hug, knows when I need my cup of tea, he plays with my hair and rub my back until I fall asleep, and he's always ready when I need a supportive boyfriend. He's the nice guy of the clan.

Well, that's it.... for now. I have way too many book boyfriends that is legal but hey, a girl is allowed to have more than one boyfriend especially if she reads. Are you judging me right now? You can't judge me. You have no right to do so. Envy me, but don't judge me. And don't ever dare trying to steal one of my babes from me. You're going to face a slow, painful death.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Bitch Resting Face

When a woman's default, or neutral, facial expression is rather bitchy and mean looking in nature. She can be happy, nice and even in a great mood, but she'll still have that look. They can't help it. People would usually think that women with the BRF syndrome hate them or something, even though they don't. So don't ever think that - 99% of them may love you even.

 Kadang kalau aku lagi berpikir atau bahkan completely thinks of nothing, ibuku bakal ngeliatin aku dan bilang, "Dek, kamu kesel?"

"Nggak," adalah jawaban standarku.

"Mukamu kayak gitu."


I'm sure I'm not alone on this one. Sebagai seseorang yang naturally have a jutek face, aku sering dianggap sombong (yang diperparah keenggananku bergaul dengan manusia - I prefer ducks) dan mudah kesal (which is true...). Truth is, 8/10 circumstances happen itu sebenarnya cuma kesalahpahaman karena aku... well... I've got a bitch resting face.

And what is a bitch resting face, it's basically ketika ekspresi wajahmu netral dan orang-orang berasumsi kamu lagi kesal. Like, no. It's just my face. And then they insist that, no, it's not your face. And I'm like OKAY WHO DO YOU THINK I AM, KOH THE FACE STEALER?


Biasanya aku gak apa-apa kalau orang bertanya sekali... dua kali... terutama karena aku tau my bitch resting face is... well... bitchy alright. It's no surprise kalau orang-orang mengira aku lagi kesal atau lagi merencakan a massive murder in my head (which is funny - kalau aku merencanakan pembunuhan massal mukaku pasti terbelah oleh seringai lebar, bukannya expressionless bored face). Tapi kalau orang bertanya BERKALI-KALI dan kemudian merasa yakin bahwa I made that face karena aku lagi kesal, well, YES, NOW I'M ANNOYED. Like, I can go from happy bitch resting face to I'm going to murder you quick af (which means as fuck, to those of you who don't know). Apalagi kalau aku udah pernah menjelaskan hal ini padamu. It seems to me the thought never settled down in your mind. Kalau aku merasa kesal, my brows will FURROW. Aku bakal melihatmu seolah I've seen BETTER CREATURE. Truth is, learn the difference between my neutral expression and my irritated expression. The difference is big.

It's okay if you're curious. It's even better you ask your assumptions. It's not okay when you insist that the frown on my face is not my face. If you see me with the bitch resting face and ask me if I'm okay to which I reply I am, leave the fucking topic. Don't continue with, "I thought you ... because you ..." unless I ask you why. Don't. If I have something troubling me I will come to you regardless. I don't need any fucker to make me annoyed by asking whether or not I am annoyed BASED ON MY FACE.

Sometimes I'm just too tired to make any expressions, human.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

UNRAVEL LYRICS: Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do

You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood

He's the light and he's the night. He's also the colour of her blood. It shows how important he is to her, as the light represents something enlightening; the night represents something dark and can be either dangerous or safe to rest; he's the colour of her blood as in 'he is the thing that keeps her alive'

You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch

He's the cure and he's the pain. When she's hurt either physically or emotionally he's the one able to console her, but he's also the main cause of her hurt - hey what can I say; people you love are often pain in the ass.

Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

She never guessed her affection, their relationship, could mean something more to her; something important.

You're the fear, I don't care
'Cause I've never been so high

He is exactly the kind of thing she's always been afraid of, but she doesn't care because he's also the only one to ever make her so happy it feels like she's swimming through the sky within the clouds. She fears him because he makes her vulnerable.

Follow me through the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life, to life

She was dead before him. She was nothing more than another face within million, within billion. And as the 'light' came, he ignited something beneath her, something that finally makes her alive like, truly alive.

So love me like you do, love me like you do
Love me like you do, love me like you do
Touch me like you do, touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?

She wants to be loved. He probably hesitated. But she loves him and she knows he knows that. So what is he waiting for?

Fading in, fading out
On the edge of paradise

She just enters the peaceful and happy place but their relationship is going up and down so she doesn't really stays in the paradise because sometimes the hell is showing up. It probably represents the shaky parts of relationship where both parties begin learning to trust each other.

Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find
Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire

"I want to touch you. I need to touch you. It is a need I can never satisfy. You ignite me. I can never get enough of you."

Yeah, I'll let you set the pace
'Cause I'm not thinking straight

Sex? Sex. Or maybe it's just that I'm waaayy too dirty minded. Maybe it's the pace of relationship. Maybe he wasn't ready (refer: Love me like you do, touch me like you do, what are you waiting for?). She lets him takes control of their relationship's pace because she understands that he cannot be pushed too far. She understands that she needs to take things slowly with him.

My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more
What are you waiting for?

Exactly. What are you waiting for? I'm so crazily in love with you right now that you're giving me vertigo. What are you waiting for? For me to get down on my knees and confess my love to you? Jesus Christ I've told you in so many ways throughout the song bless our relationship if your dumbass head still can't get the hints.

Conclusion: Christian Trevelyan Grey. I'm sorry I can't make better conclusion. It's just that it's already stuck in my head as Fifty Shades' official soundtrack and I can't help but to think that this song fits Christian perfectly. He's afraid of relationships and he's crazy about being in control. This song is about a lover who gives everything their lover needs in a relationship while fighting their own frustration of their lover's slow progress. If this song isn't about Christian/Ana relationship I'll strip at the City Hall while licking my own elbow. That escalated quickly.
Rating: 4.5 for soundtrack. 5 for song.

About Unravel Lyrics: Written interpretation of song lyrics by the most humblest unicorn-duck being on earth. Definitely not the best place to find real meaning of the song but hey I can be an alternative.

(Best) Friend

Kami bertemu pada satu Senin siang di lapangan sekolah.

Aku sedang rehat sejenak dan ia berdiri di antara mobil-mobil yang terparkir, telunjuk di atas bibir bawahnya. Entah aku yang menghampirinya atau ia yang memanggilku, kami mengobrol.

"Jammu," ia menunjuk, "cepet-cepet amat!"

"Hah?" aku melihat jamku yang dicepatkan lima belas menit. "Oh. Iya. Biar gak telat ceritanya."

"Ceritanya. Terus berhasil gak?"

Aku nyengir. "Aku terlalu pintar untuk dibohongi, bahkan oleh diriku sendiri."

Ia tertawa. Aku tertawa. Kami mendiskusikan hal lainnya - bukan cuaca, karena itu membosankan. Kami membicarakan guru yang mengajar kelas dan jurusan kami, teman-teman sekelas kami. Saat obrolan itu berakhir, aku merasa aku telah menemukan belahan jiwaku dan nyaris yakin ia juga merasakan hal yang sama.

Kejadian itu terjadi lebih dari setahun yang lalu.


Aku sadar bahwa tidak ada yang berlangsung selamanya. Aku mengerti bahwa arti kata 'selamanya' berarti 'selama aku masih merasakan perasaan ini terhadapmu'. Dan aku tidak mengerti konsep sahabat. Tidak lagi. Karena sepertinya makna dari kata-kata seperti 'teman', 'sahabat', dan 'kenalan' bahkan 'keluarga' jauh dari hitam dan putih seperti dulu. Jadi sewaktu ia mengatakan padaku, "Aku udah nganggep kamu sahabatku."

Aku diam. Dan diam-diam kupikir ia merasa kecewa aku tidak balas menyebutnya sahabatku.


Tapi ada satu hal yang menakjubkan. Aku baru menyadari bahwa kau bisa begitu intim dengan seseorang tanpa benar-benar mengenalnya. Aku tahu kapan ia merasa kesal, marah, butuh ditemani, butuh melakukan sesuatu yang lebih. Dan ia pun tahu kapan aku sedih, butuh melarikan diri, atau sekadar mengoceh tanpa henti. Aku tahu apa yang ia lakukan pada waktu senggangnya dan sebaliknya. Hanya saja...

Kami tidak sungguh-sungguh mengenal satu sama lain.

Aku tidak benar-benar mengetahui motif dari perilakunya. Ia tidak benar-benar mengetahui apa yang kuinginkan dan mengapa. Aku tidak bisa mengetahui suasana hatinya kecuali aku menatap matanya dan ia tidak bisa menyelam lebih dalam untuk mencari aku yang sesungguhnya.

Oleh karena itu, kami adalah sahabat, namun kami bukan sahabat.

Dan aku mencintainya dan ia mencintaiku. Tapi kadang sebuah jalan memang pendek sebelum menemui persimpangan.

"Kita belum sampe tahap itu. Pertemanan kita belum sampe situ."

"Memang. Aku pun dulu sering berpikir gimana kalau kamu lulus... gimana kalau kita pisah... aku pengin kita temenan terus tapi pada saat yang sama aku ragu bisa."


"Sekarang aku menikmati masa sekarang aja. Masa SMA-ku ya kuhabiskan denganmu. Soal masa depan, itu urusan nanti."

-2 Februari 2015, 19:54, sesaat sebelum mencuci muka dan gosok gigi sebelum tidur-