Bruno Mars is nonsense!
He's talking to the moon like the moon will ever respond him.
Come to think of it, what's the difference with God?
Hmm. That is argueable. ifyouknowhatimean.
Well, let's see. I'm not a really religious person, I did my prayers like... what, zero times a day? Meanwhile as a Muslim I should do it five times a day. I'm just praying to God when I'm scared, like, when in the nights I heard strange voices or I just feel strange. And I don't think that I ever did my prayers right. I was all like, "Dear God. Wazzup? I'm scared, can you help me out?"
I bet His Angels are just wanna kick me. Hard. So hard that I will fly through Tuesday and land in Thursday. Get it? Fly through?
I'm not bringing this topic up to mock my own God or your Gods. Okay? I love God. I really do. And I should do. If my friends and family left me all alone, who else I got? Just God. And you wanna know what one of five my biggest dream is? To see God. That's so on bottom because it's almost impossible. Only the most faithful person like Prophets could see Him, like, meet Him. I obviously not one of them. But I'm not a sinner, too. I mean, I never sleep around with anyone, I never drink, I once smoke. Yes, I'm not gonna lie, I once smoke. I think that was when I'm about 4 years old, because I'm just so freakin curious. Then I don't understand why people smoke. Because that thing is KILLING MEEE.
Besides drinking, smoking, or sleeping, I never bet, too. And, I confess, I watch porn. I don't know if it's a sin; to watch, not practicing, but I think that's no different. But I didn't do it often! And I'm trying to stop, because that thing is a poison that gave you addiction. It disturbs my mind, kills my creativity, and just... kind of weird seeing people having sex....
I don't do drugs too, in fact I never even see narcotics, unless a cigarette is included. I never saw a real weeds, or cocaines, or amphetamines... none of them. And I don't want to try to do drugs. I don't want to die young, let Kesha and her Animals die young, I'm not one of them.
All I want to be, is being a successful writer, then getting married, have lovely kids, and enjoy my old age loving and loved by my grandchildren. Simple. And those things aren't gonna bring me to there.
But that's just my dream, I'm not sure if God thinks that it's the best for me or if I deserves all of that. Well, karma does exist, and who could forget every bad things I've ever done to my grandma?
I should treat her more kindly.
Back to the first topic.
So what's the difference of talking to the moon like Bruno Mars and talking to God? Well, I think:
- You can see moon, but you can never heard its voice
- You can't see God, but sometimes He talks to you by the whisper in your heart
- Moon comes and go
- God never leaves
- Moon is a thing that God create
- God is the creator of everything
- According to point 5, that means Moon is just a creation of God
- According to point 6, nothing ever create God; He is the creator Itself
- I'm giving another point to make it an odd number because Allah likes odd things ._.
Get it? He doesn't say a thing. That's God, He loves making funny of His people. -_____-
But imagine how awesome it would be! :O
Just kidding.
But seriously.
I think that talking to God is much better than talking to anyone else. If you talk to people, they could possibly respond with, "Uh-uh. Okay. Hmm," meanwhile not really listening to you. But with God, well, He never really responds, but you know, you could felt it in your heart, that He's listening. God is closer to you than anything else.
The best relationship you could ever have is a relationship with God. Because He will never cheating on you, will never lie to you, and obviously never betray you. Disappointment isn't something you should deny, it's something you should learn. Disappointment is God's way of saying, "I've got something better."
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