Saturday, 8 February 2014

Nothing... Just Some Weekly Update

I'm so tired I don't know why. Probably because I haven't slept well lately; usually lies awake in middle of the night, incapable of going back to sleep.

How are you guys? Don't answer, I don't really care. My week is... good, I think. Well, my teachers are being... teachers. I'm doing well with my Japanese and German, plus I just attended a competition about writing a love letter, called Cupid's Pen, held by Youth Speak! Fun Day.

Yep, you read that right. A love letter.

My friend told me last night that she didn't know such competition exist. I replied that if people just eating being made into a competition, why the hell wouldn't there be love letter writing competition? She agreed, because I'm being charming as usual. Fuck no I insisted and if she disagrees I probably won't talk to her for like, an hour.

Well actually there's another person pissed me off, it was a college student, currently practicing in my school as a teacher met me today. And when I told him I was there for the competition, he said, "You're so fast; probably because you've written so much love letter. And they're all rejected."

Uh-oh, ATTITUDE! He was being mean, irritating, annoying, and really want me to rip his balls but if I do so then I'd pollute my own hands so better not.

Hey, I respect everyone equally, but after several times of meeting there are people who I respect more than before and there are people who I respect less than before.

He is in the second group.

Really. If you going around telling girls that their love letter (to whoever it is being sent) is REJECTED, you're being unrespectful. And sexist. And a jerk. Totally a jerk.

I'm so disgusted I fake my smile in front of him because I'm so polite that Barbie would be jealous.

Relieved that I finally get rid of him tho (not really; we'll meet again in school aftermorrow).

Anyway, I finished three books in this early February. They're Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy, Dork Diaries: Dear Dork, and Wanderlove. So far my favorite is Wanderlove, it's about a girl who went backpacking because her ex-boyfriend broke up with her, her parents don't give a shit, and her friends busy with their own business. Just like De Journal and The Naked Traveler, this book kind of inspire me to do a backpacking. But my mom says I should wait until I'm about 21-22.

Great, now I have to wait for two things until I'm twenty: backpacking and getting tattoos.

That's so much what I wanted to tell you this week. Sorry if I haven't updated lately; my Internet hasn't being paid so...

Well, bye.

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