This search term always shows up on my statistic page. And by always, I mean, ALWAYS. And that is "berbicara sendiri". And if you don't know what that means, it means talking to yourself.
PLEASE, people. It's not something you should be extremely worried about. There are A LOT more things to worry about: gas prices, school's debts, your family needs, and other shits. A person talking to oneself is actually pretty normal. Pretty, because, well, you know, I'm not a psychologist or anything. I KNOW PRETTY MUCH NOT SO MUCH ABOUT IT but well, I'm talking by my own experience. And I talk to myself A LOT. like, REAL LOT. I mutter, I murmur, and even speak casually. TO MYSELF.
And I am sane.
Or at least that's what I believe.
Babies, kids, teenager, young adults, adults, old people; we all talk to ourselves sometimes. It's normal. Healthy, even. Because then you train yourself to speak up your mind and if you can't be honest to yourself how would you expect to be honest to other people?
I talk to myself when giving comments of my own actions and stupidity and God knows I do MANY stupid things - it's just my thing. Yes, I do get a lot of strange stares from stranger but, well, I don't think that it's because they think I'm insane. It's just that not so many people talk to themselves out in the society. It's like one's deepest secret to talk to themselves. But, hey, everybody does it, right? Some do it frequently, some rarely, some can even count their times of talking to themselves in one hand. But everybody does it. Everybody. It's like a basic instinct, to reflect of our actions and reactions. To see things from another perspective. Try it. When you have problems, try to talk to yourself. It stimulates your brain to think differently. It's like you're positioning yourself as the speaker and the listener. It helps you to see flaws and/or strength of your logic and action and reaction.
It's not something to worry about. Unless you can't control it or you feel like you really are two persons in one body or you just so lonely you begin to create an imaginary friend. Don't seek help from the Internet. The Internet is full of lies. And if you're still reading this to this point, I suggest you to close this page and seek real help instead. Psychologist. Psychiatrist. Someone who knows this shit well. But it's not something to be worried about.
Because we all talk to ourselves.
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