Sunday, 8 March 2015

I expect you have noticed my change in theme.

While it is true that I've been doing yoga as a workout lately, no, I don't think that this blog will suddenly become something with some inspiring and deep thoughts written on it. This blog will always and forever be... my blog. And that is where I post about my opinions and everything. But the colour blue does soothes me somehow. It's like I can just stare at my blog's theme all day and never get bored.

I'm just kidding. I probably won't last a minute.

But anyway.

As I sit here typing this, listening to The Hush Sound's 2008 album I just want to say that I think I am experiencing what they call the mid-life crisis. Only that I experience it in teen age. I sure hope that this means I won't experience it again later (although according to my mother this is very likely to happen).

Well, okay, maybe it's not really a mid-teenage-life crisis, maybe it is. I don't know. All I know is that lately I've been losing my way and I don't know what I need what I should do. But I don't feel like something is amiss and that scares me. That feeling, of not doing something yet don't feel like anything's wrong, is terrifying. There is nothing scarier than settling in on mediocrity except maybe horror movies. I haven't done anything that really "touches" my soul lately. No, I don't write. My journals filled with boring intercourse with other human being or a one shot giggle I don't even remember now. The only thing that amazes me is a dream last night I had about running down the hill and facing a giant full moon. And by giant, I mean GIGANTIC. You know those photos where they show you how other planets such as Jupiter and/or Neptune would look like if they were as close as the moon to the earth? That's how big the full moon in my dream was. Then I woke up, went outside to enjoy the West sky as the sun approaching and there it is. The full moon. It was not gigantic, but it still look pretty big hanging on that wide blue thing.

Other than that, it's just school, sleep, trying to find something to eat, homework, and other stuff. I tried to lighten up my mood by changing my blog's theme, to pump my spirit like it worked last time but so far, nothing. Alas, I'm drowning in this somewhat feel like a meaningless existence and the amount of time I'm trying to figure out how do I put some more meaning into it is just stunning. I don't know what else should I do and this is killing me slowly.

And my incapability of transferring my thoughts into words is even more maddening.

I'm thinking about getting a new piercing or I don't know, just something. Something new. Something that will awaken me because so far this year,

I don't think I have lived.

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