Saturday 23 May 2015

This Is A Goodbye

This is a goodbye.
You've all been so good to me,
So kind,
So I guess I will set this properly.

If you are reading this,
I want you to know that
I loved you
(And possibly still do.)

But I can't anymore
So if you are reading this,
I guess this is it.

I quit.

I quit and
I quit and
I quit
And I quit


Kuharap pesannya sudah cukup jelas. I hope the message is clear enough. Aku berhenti blogging. I quit blogging. Meski mungkin kalian sudah bisa menduganya, mengingat tulisan terakhir adalah bulan lalu. Even though maybe you could've already guessed it, since the last post was last month. Tapi sebelumnya aku masih membuka kemungkinan diriku kembali ke sini. But before I was still open to the possibility of me coming back. Dan aku memang kembali. And I did come back. Untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal. To say goodbye.

Aku memutuskan untuk berhenti karena alasan-alasan pribadi. I decided to quit due to personal reasons. Aku tidak mengenal kalian sama sekali, tapi kalau kalian secara reguler datang mengunjungi blogku untuk membaca tulisan-tulisanku, terima kasih. I don't know you guys at all, but if you're coming to my blog frequently to read all my ramblings, thank you. Dan kuharap kalian tidak akan merindukanku. And I hope you're not going to miss me.

This is it. Thank you. So long, and good night.

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