Sunday 21 April 2013

Who Am I?

I don't know what I'm doing with my life
In fact, I don't even know who I am
If someone comes and ask you, "Who are you?"
What do you gonna answer?

Your name?
Your job?
Not me.
I wouldn't know what to answer.

It is some kind of philosophy, I think
But I'm not really sure
I mean, who am I, I don't even know
I could be a girl
I could be just a human
An average human
Or I could be a dreamer
I could be a writer
I could be a friend
I could be a lover
I could be a student
I could be an enemy
I could be an idol
I could be an astronaut
I could be a runner
I could be a speaker
I could be a listener
I could be an artist
I could be a teacher
I could be an unstable teenager
I could be an irresistible person
I could be the most undesirable person
I could be a designer
I could be a music addict girl
I could be a fashionista
I could be a bitch
I could be a clever man
I could be a sister
I could be a liar
I could be an honest person
I could be an alcoholic
I could be a fan
I could be a challenger
I could be an adventurer
I could be a daughter
I could be a singer
I could be a painter
I could be a policewoman
I could be a firewoman
I could be a super hero
I could be a witch
I could be a monster
I could be a vampire
I could be a pervert
I could be a shy girl
I could be a withdrawn
I could be introvert
I could be arrogant
I could be kind-hearted
Or I could be just me.

I don't know which one to choose.

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