Friday 26 September 2014


Do you ever feel
You've got something to say
And you've got images in your head
But you don't know how
How to arrange the words

Do you ever feel
Like it was so clear inside
But you find it hard
To make people understand
And so you say,

"I swear I know
Let me try once again
See, I saw it there
How can you not see?"

And you keep trying
And you keep failing
Too many times that you lost count
And people almost lose faith in you

And you said once again,
"I swear I know
I didn't lie
It's just that you didn't see the same truth as I do"

Then comes the time when
You finally going to give up
But there's one little voice inside says,
"No, not now"

And you try again
And you fail again
And now you question why
Why on earth are you reading this

Well, to be honest I don't know
But I was just trying to show you
Images that I saw in my head
But I keep failing that I give up
But there it is, the word I've been searching all these paragraphs.


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